Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Tuesdays with Dory: Laundry Tip


Recently I've decided I'm going to sleep in the laundry. Sometimes it's the dirty laundry, which is obviously Kristen's preference, but sometimes it's the clean laundry. Whatever. If I fits in it, I sits in it.

Anyway, I thought I would share a laundry tip while I'm in here.

If you find your towels are still smelling a little . . . off . . . after washing, try this: sprinkle a cup of baking soda into the wash with the dirty towels. Then, add a cup of vinegar to the rinse cycle. And voila! No more mildewy smell. And it doesn't smell like vinegar either. Just nice fresh towels. For your kitteh to sleep in. 

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